

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Perge Part II

Campbell Clansman is pretty good at carrying our very-large-not-yet-walking toddler on all these explorations.
This pose was clearly the idea of one almost eight-year-old and one nine-year-old.
New boy sitting on old rocks (that was my photo idea anyway). These are rocks from the parts of the town that have fallen.
The churches are my favorite, by far. I love to think that what was started so many years ago is still being carried on. This was an old church from a few hundred years after Christ.
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1 comment:

Melanie Keffer said...

Okay, I focused on the subject matter this time . . . Old things fascinate me (not quite as much as sweet smiling faces, but still). I always try to imagine what life was like then. Always seems sad to me to see ruins. I wonder who lived there and marvel that there is nothing left to show for their life . . .

Even from pictures, Perge seems a fascinating place.

P. S. Unlike the kids, the Roman aquaducts fascinate me, that and the Roman road system. My mother took pictures of the RA's in the Holy Land.

Speaking of the Romans . . . Did you know Paris was built on Roman ruins? Kathleen has pictures from beneath Notre Dame of the Roman ruins there. The ingenuity of those who lived long ago is so interesting, don't you think?

Awesome stuff.

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