

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Just Some Stuff Around the Campbell House

This post is just a compilation of some pictures I took during the end of our winter season.

Big Ben has made a new Iraqi friend, who came over to play. I call this photo "USA vs. Iraq."

I snapped this picture early one morning so I could remember exactly where Big Ben slept every night before Firstborn went to college. He's not allowed to get in until after midnight because she can't fall asleep when he's hogging the bed. But after midnight, when she is good and asleep, she lets him crawl in. And he does. Every night.

One morning Firstborn and I went out for breakfast and to get a few things she needed. I'm cherishing these times.

And this beautiful painting was done by Miss Middler for her art class final. I'm pretty much in love with it. It's on display at school, but she says it's mine once it's given back.


Tara G. said...

Gorgeous painting!

Anonymous said...

Love this post! LOVE the painting. "If I could turn back time . . . ". No, that's not my usual southern gospel song (Remember those days? Ha) it is an old pop song that reminds me of when my kids were the age of yours. Remember Kathleen in your third grade class? The woman is 30 years old! You would be very proud of her. You would never know what she does looking at her social media but she is a kick-rear attorney. I am so proud of her. The youngest of mine is 21. I am equally proud of them all.

What's worse than all of it . . . Is I have discovered I am no longer young (Thinking of yours and Ross' birthday . . .) I enjoy reading your posts. They still bring back a lot of memories. God bless all of you.

P.S. Kathleen slept with her little brother (9 years younger) for years until she left home for college - by HER choice. I wish I could share the stories of things she has done for that boy, and all her siblings. They absolutely adore her. She is the gold standard to them. I imagine ME's siblings feel the same way.

Melanie Keffer

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