

Friday, October 30, 2009

Annika's Birthday

Thank you, commenters, for your encouraging notes to me. The last couple of days have been so much better. Here are a few pictures from the special birthday dinner for Annika. She chose manti as her birthday meal. It's sort of like ravioli with a yogurt and garlic-tomato sauce on top. It is delicious and one of Ankara's most famous manti houses is just down the street from us.
Annika was surprised when the lights went out and a cake came out!
She hopped up to give Turgut Bey a big hug. He is very special to us. He once had heart surgery, and we took him a card the kids made and visited him. He has saved it all this time.
The day ended so special for her and for all of us!
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Melanie Keffer said...

How sweet!! How awesome is it that you just happen (?) to live in a country that loves and values children like Turkey does? I think that would be so special. Your kids will never forget all their adopted aunts/uncles and grandparents in Turkey.

The Adventures of a Drama LLama said...

that sounds like fun! happy belated birthday!!

SevenSwansaswimming said...

What a cute picture of you and Annika. Sara, you look beautiful!

John Stone said...

Love Annika's haircut! so cute.

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