

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Staff Olympics 2015

Each Fall we have a fun afternoon event for all the staff and staff kids, Staff Olympics!

CC loses his scholarly persona and becomes a competitive, tug-o-war winning, frisbee domineering athlete!

See? Look at him. He' yelling, "HEAVE, HO!"

It's a time when teachers get to be aunts and uncles for a day. Our kids need that, so far from their biological ones!

We ended with a giant kickball tournament. This was pretty much my childhood summed up. I behaved in class so I would not have to miss kickball at recess!

And the winning team gets this cone-broken PE equipment trophy to store in a classroom until next year. Oh yea, and since the first shall be last, they go last getting ice cream sundaes. It's tradition.

Firstborn and I were on the third place team.

Back to school for sundaes.

Piled high. She didn't finish it all. I knew she wouldn't.

These are a few of the things that make this place special for my kids. I'm thankful for these people!

1 comment:

Jill said...

How this! You look fantastic, by the way!!

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