

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Post about CC

One of my favorite readers and commenters, MK, asked me to post more about CC. What a great idea! I can't write enough good about my husband. He's an absolute gentleman, which makes the following story even more funny.

CC almost always does the appropriate thing. He's from the old school in every way. And I love that about him. In a generation where everyone just lets it all hang out, he's always a gentleman. I NEVER walk next to the road when we are out walking. I NEVER (almost never) open my own car door. He didn't discuss marriage with me until he was ready to propose. He asked my dad to give my hand to him in marriage, totally unbeknownst to me. He did everything, and still does, the way my grandfather might have. He just always does the right and mannerly thing. (Everyone is different, not saying you are wrong if you do things differently!) So that gives you a picture of who my husband is. He is hilariously funny, but not everyone gets to see that side. Anyway, on to the story.

CC is the director of our school, and he has lunch with every new student their first semester here. He treats them to pizza and cokes and gets to know them a bit. This week he ate with the first graders who were new.
The conversation over lunch went something like this:
CC: So, ____________ (boy student), do you have any brothers or sisters?
Boy Student: No, I'm the only one. But my mom says she's going to make a baby soon!
CC: (polite cough)
Girl Student: WHAT?! Your mom knows how to make babies?! Oh oh oh oh! I WISH I knew how to make babies, I want to make one, too!!!

Enjoy your weekend!
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Shannon Whitt said...

LOVE it! I just laughed out loud. I kinda want to know how he ended up replying now. :) Bless his heart!

Tara G. said...

Oh my word- what a funny story!!

We didn't talk marriage either until he proposed (outside of Little Rock at Petite Jean!) and he also asked my dad. I love that!

Rachel said...

How funny! I bet I CC can't look that poor mom in the face now. :)

Laurie said...

Sooo true about your man. That is such a funny story. I can just see him!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is funny. I laughed and laughed.

And Ross is funny. I just love his sense of humor and the way he writes. I wonder if that goes back to his lawyer training? Hmmm. I know that is a trademark of a lawyer, a good one anyway. He is definitely a natural story teller.

Thanks for sharing these stories. Feel free anytime!!


P. S. Just so you'll know, Dave talked love and marriage after three months. (We dated two years. I told him NO three times.) After I said finally said yes, he asked me when would be a good time to talk to my dad and I said, NEVER. :)))

Yes, well. You'd just have know David, no sweeter man on this earth. He makes my life fun, he makes me smile and that has not changed in 24 years of marriage.

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