

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yellow Belts

Look who got her yellow belt! Miss Middler! I love this photo.
I suspect her teacher has a soft spot for little girls, having 2 sweet grown girls of his own. But Esther earned it fair and square. She worked hard.

Guess who else is a yellow belt?! I had my belt change test on Friday. I sweated. I paced. I practiced. I set mini-goals for myself all day, like "Ok, by 1:15 you are going to do the routine perfectly." Then I would panic and ask myself why I ever thought I could do this. Then I came to school and sweated, paced, and practiced all over again with my classmates. Aren't you suppose to grow into more confidence when you hit your 30's?
The hardest part for me is flexibility. I tend to do well at strength things. Maybe it's because I carry 5 bags of sugar everywhere I go (a.k.a. my son).
And if this picture doesn't make you laugh, I don't think anything will. Just envision some guy just behind the camera trying to steal my purse. Or telling me my baby isn't cute.
A couple of cute videos of my girl.

1 comment:

Melanie Keffer said...

Okay Sara . . . Are you after Bruce Lee's old job?

The videos were great! You all made that look fun . . . . I wonder???? NOPE, not me. :)))


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