

Thursday, May 5, 2011

That's The Pits!

Sweet Cheeks was born 1/2 Turk, we say. She got the cheeks they love to squeeze here. Her first words were Turkish. She ate feta cheese and strong black olives before she was two. When asked why our little girl loves the salty, strong olives, we always say, "Well, she's part Turk." Our older girls will eat them if served, but let's just say...they're pretty strong-tasting. It came as quite a surprise Saturday morning when Big Ben, Turk #2, reached for the olives at breakfast. CC and I raised our eyebrows and said, "Sure, eat up."
Perhaps he didn't want to be outdone by "Sisah" (He calls her "sister" but it sounds very much like Zsa Zsa.)

There's just one problem. Turkish olives have the big ol' pits in them. Somehow Sweet Cheeks learned at an early age how to pit them herself.

Big Ben isn't quite to that point. CC had to go pit-hunting in his mouth...

...only to discover one missing. It will reappear, I assured him.
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Anonymous said...

That little boy is a living doll. It fascinates me at how much your kids love Turkish food but what else would they love?? Just makes sense.

Ross has a daughter that looks like him and a boy that looks like you. (Actually looks just like your mom!)

Love this post!


Tara G. said...

Laughing!!!! I just bought a cherry/olive pitter and am waiting to try it out- Ukraine has sweet cherries galore in the summer and I thought I'd freeze them for the winter when fresh fruit is so scarce.

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