

Monday, March 16, 2015


My husband and I have the same birthday..same day, same state, exactly 4 years and 5 minutes apart. He was running around with a Superman costume on for his 4th birthday on the day I was born (I've seen the video.) But in recent years, we almost never get to be together for our day. He is at his annual leadership conference, and I am...out with my gal friends! We always do something together before he leaves, though. But this year, he was truly here. February 9, 2015, we celebrated together.

My sweet friend M, who was Big Ben's nanny for a semester between her high school and college years, is now back as a teacher. She is so dear and signed up to make our birthday cake. I told her, "One cake. That's it!" She additionally knitted us some birthday crowns.

We proudly wore them all day. I told CC he very much reminded me of Jughead!

It was a fun day. We went out for Chinese that night. There, in a Chinese joint, in the heart of downtown Ankara, sat a table full of 20-something Turkish youth, along with a few Korean gals. One boy was heading off for his mandatory military service, and they were wishing him well. The gals presented him with a Bible and offered to pray for him if only he would text them his prayer requests. And witnessing that, my friends, was the best gift I could have gotten!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is very sweet. I always love hearing the birthday stories. It is too cool you both born on the same day.

I have had thoughts about what Dave was doing when I was being born. I was in California (military) and he was in the hills of West Virginia, worlds apart. :)

What God does is amazing.


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