

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ephesus Part III

After we finished touring the rug school, we rode in a van up to the top of Ephesus to see the famous ruins. We did not take a single photo of Benaiah the entire time. Why? He stayed bundled up in a front pack. I had a scarf totally around his face, not a square inch of skin showing. It was about 40 degrees (F), but the day's tour included a whipping wind. These ruins are by far the best preserved and most extensive. We enjoyed the ruins, but also are a bit partial to the ones we have discovered which are hardly mentioned in the guidebooks. I have a friend who has been here over 15 years. When she came, even Ephesus was undeveloped for tourism. You can hardly go anywhere in this beautiful country without finding some ancient carved rock or stone wall.

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