

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Virginia Visit: Crossing Tennessee

CC and the kids flew out, and Firstborn and I still have a bit of time left before she begins college. With a few days of our time, we took a short road trip to Virginia with my mom and dad. Virginia, specifically the Blue Ridge Mountains, is my mama's home. I spent a part of every summer here in my childhood, as well as many Christmas holidays. But I haven't been back in twenty years, as we have been overseas that long and our summertime is limited. This summer provided a a chance to finally go.

Just before we headed out, I spoke briefly in a small country church to thank them for a gift they sent to some of our students. I had a fun crowd show up...all the nieces and nephews! 

And so we began our drive from Middle to East Tennessee. It was beautiful! We stopped in Kingsport for the night with the Smokies creeping up around us. 

The trip was a blessing all around. I got to take Firstborn to see a place that was a big part of my life. My parents had us to help in any ways we could, like driving and entertainment! 

It didn't take us long to find the 24 hour coffee bar....

...or the fun cups! 

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