

Friday, June 5, 2015

Staff Banquet 2015

Last Saturday we got all gussied up to go out and celebrate an almost finished school year. This has truly been one of our best years at the school, for many reasons I can't spell out on this blog. But I am so deeply grateful to the Lord for this year.

This is B, my replacement in third grade and my mentoring partner for the summer. She is a dear.

Here are my partners in crime. You remember I went to Greece with them. They are such good pals. H, on the right, is getting married this summer. Both L and I (along with Sweet Cheeks) are going to be in the wedding. I am the world's oldest bridesmaid, but the happiest!

And here's some old pals, too. I have known these dear friends the longest of anyone on staff.

My sweet friend M. I think that 19 years ago she would have attended our wedding as a little girl. Her parents came, and I remember seeing her brother there. How sweet and strange is the passage of time that now she teaches Kindergarten with us in Turkey!

The banquet was wonderful and delicious and God-honoring as we shared what He's taught us and how we will miss those who are moving on.

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