

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cappadocia Getaway: Meeting Up with Old Friends

I hope you are not tiring of my vacation posts. It's just a place where you have to take a lot of pictures. And as a mom, I just want to post our day-by-day so my kids will one day read about our adventures.
We ran into some old friends, who live in Cappadocia. They invited us to a Renaissance fair put on by their home school co-op families. It was really fun, and the kids did a great job. It was neat to meet in a cave home and see their presentations and show our support for these brave families, living far out from a city.
 This cute girl is one of the presenters, also a friend of my girls'.
 I think a highlight for me was that as they presented a reading on the Renaissance, the Christians who were relevant during that time, were also mentioned. In honor of them, we sang this hymn by Martin Luther. It's one of my favorites and was played at my wedding when the groomsmen entered. It was beautiful to hear in this cave home, from the booming voices of many families who believe the words.


Angie said...

Totally not tired! I find your journey so interesting. I love it that you are documenting for you children. That is what I use my blog for too :)

Tara G. said...

I bet your wedding was beautiful! I love it when people think through the music for weddings and choose pieces that aren't usually used!

And wow- living in a cave home!

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