

Friday, October 12, 2012

Big Ben's Blunders

This little boy is the apple of our eye, even if he can be a rotten apple sometimes. This past week our boss (I mean, THE boss) of our entire organization came for a short visit. He isn't all that girls call him Uncle Joe. When he saw Big Ben, he teased a little. He told Big Ben that he'd brought him some spankings all the way from America. The next day when Uncle Joe visited the PreK class, Big Ben announced to everyone that he needed to go to jail, that he was a bad guy!
And then completely out of the blue, Big Ben told his Papa one morning this week that he looked like a Grandpa. CC said, "Why do you say that?" He replied, "You look really OLD!" We've had a few laughs this week, realizing that Papa could actually be his grandad!


Tara G. said...

What a stinker!!! CUTE,too!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I laughed out reading this. I can say for sure, that in some ways your "little" boy will never change. . . . and they still do the same kinds of things when they grow up . . . Not sure if that is good or bad. ;)


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