

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day at our house

Ross feels that he has finally 'arrived.' His kids are now old enough to not only remember Mother's Day, but also bring home those wonderful homemade gifts for me. (It should be noted, without any bitterness, that my very first Mother's Day with a 1 month old babe, was completely forgotten.) This is the time he has been waiting for. Not only does he not have to remember, he has a daily reminder from one of the 4 girls for at least 2 weeks leading up to the big day. He is counting on this service for many years to come.

So for this Mother's Day, I was treated to breakfast prepared by my husband and children. (My only request the night before is that no one get up at 5am to fix it early and 'surprise' me. One year in December I was greeted by Mary Erin, dressed as Santa Lucia, at this hour. I tried to be gracious in my stupor.) So, yesterday a beautiful Turkish breakfast was spread...bread with honey and butter, an olive plate, cucumber slices, boiled eggs, a bowl of fruit, plain yogurt, a cheese plate. I was only asked to make the Turkish tea. This is our standard Sunday morning fare, but this time I didn't have to prepare it. It was agreed by all before I walked in that somehow a rotten egg had been boiled, for the kitchen smell was pungent. But this was a smell I knew...not a rotten egg, but the plastic handle of the pot burning on the eye.

After church, we all went to for lunch. I chose the abugganas, which is an eggplant dish. The eggplant (which are slightly different than the eggplants I've seen in the US) is grilled and cooked in a clay pot with garlic and other ingredients. This restaurant also puts shaved lamb on top. It is delicious.

We had a great day. I've included a couple of pictures.

Big Moments in 3rd Grade

Spring always brings many events at the school. This was Mary Erin's first year to participate in the Science Fair. She did her experiment on how a plant's leaves would react with the various hues of sunlight (black, clear, green, yellow, red, etc.). She took 1st place for 3rd grade! She is pictured here with her 3rd grade teacher! Miss Sneed has been a great teacher for Mary Erin. I am still in denial, as a former 3rd grade teacher, that my little girl could be in 3rd grade.
This year Oasis did the play Annie, Jr. Though it was mostly for the Secondary students, some elementary students were chosen for roles, as well. In addition to those speaking parts, anyone in grades 3-6 was allowed to participate in the Orphan Chorus. Mary Erin readily signed up. This photo is Mary Erin, all smudged up as an orphan, after her evening performance. Though it was a small part, I couldn't help but reflect on the little girl who was too afraid to go up to the front of our church with 30 other kids to be dismissed to Sunday School! She's come a long way.

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