

Friday, October 29, 2010

Company Part III: Caught on Film

Most of our guests' days were spent at the school, meeting with each staff person, offering encouragement to and prayer for them. But we did want them to see the other side of life in our city as well, so we took a half day to head to Ulus. If you've read this blog for any length of time, you've seen this amazing and ancient side of the city before. However, my friend took such great pictures, I have to share them with you.

Big Ben went with us. Those barrels of dried fruit and nuts are right at his hand level.
And so he stops for a snack. (This is a great problem when we are back in America. I have to constantly remind my kids they can't sample things at grocery stores like they can here. It's stealing there, it's encouraged here. It's especially encouraged when a toddler is involved.)

Since we didn't plan to patronize this man's stall, CC was planning on diving in to recover the dried apricot. Big Ben got it in his mouth so fast, it was as if he knew it was the only safe place.

And he was so proud of himself, he showed the half-chewed apricot to us all.

Well done, little guy!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things are busy here and so I have not had time to comment much. I know your other readers welcome a break from the woman who writes you novels . . .

However, I am back now so brace yourself! (Only teasing.)

I have enjoyed these posts and especially this one about Ben and the apricots. Turkey is such a wonderful place for children. What a blessing to be able to raise your children in such a loving atmosphere.

Until next time . . .
Melanie Keffer

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