

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bright Spots in Hard Times

Have you ever been in a really rough spot and just wondered how much more you can have happen before you crack? That's how I've felt lately. My husband is wonderful, my kids are doing great, my class is super. It's just....other stuff. And I am not going to turn this blog into a venting machine, nor will I on facebook. But in the midst of this rough time, the Lord has been so very dear to me. And I can't resist posting about that.

Each morning since it's been warmer (that's relative...I'm still in my winter robe in the AM!) I've been up early, with a quick cup of coffee made by my little French press. (Thanks to Nancie, for opening me up to the world of a French pressed cup of coffee...until she told me I could do it, I might never have tried!) I go out to our balcony and spend time with the Lord. With teaching 23 kids, raising 5 of my own, and surviving very busy days, I've found that spending a 1/2 hour with the Lord before it all kicks in is the absolute most enjoyable part of my day. I can't function without it. I used to do this after the kids left for school, and wondered how it would all work this year, but I am wide awake and ready to meet Him early.

There's that. It helps me survive. But there have been other things, too. I taught a sweet little girl this year, and within the first few weeks of school, I suspected she had a learning disability. I recommended her for testing, she's been getting the extra help she needs, and I just learned she tested 2 grade levels above where she did when we she started the year. I am so happy for her! The family is moving away, and her mom sent out an email about house items for sale. I remembered seeing a beautiful stained glass hanging at her house and that she bought it at an estate sale. So, I emailed and asked about it. She said many people had asked to buy it, but she wanted to give it to me as a way of saying thanks. I was so blown away. In my mom's childhood house, there was just one little bright spot in her country home...stained glass around the doorway. When they tore the old house down, mom saved the glass pieces. They sat in our attic for years until my dad and I took them to a friend who put them into a framed piece and added a beautiful magnolia to the center. It now hangs in mom's picture window. So, the gift meant the world to me, but only God could have known what stained glass means to me.

I've had other bright spots. A school mom wrote me one of the dearest letters I've ever received...letting me know how our small contribution really impacts the larger contribution here in Turkey. I'm saving it.

A man came up to me last night and said one of my kids stood up to some other kids at the park. Evidently they were in the middle of a game and some Turkish kids wanted to play. The initial reaction was not to include them, but my girl took the kids to task and asked them why their families came to this country anyway! I hope she was gentle, knowing her, she was. But the story, as told to me, was a soothing ointment on my soul right now.

Finally, I felt the Lord smile at me one day as I walked home from school. A couple of girl teens were lying on the grass in the park studying. I thought the girls were so cute and that it was such a fun idea, I gave them a big smile. They were taken back by my smile and got up to come greet me. They ran through the grass and just wanted to say hello, ask me my name, comment on my blue eyes. But I was so touched by their friendly response, it served as a reminder to me to love others and trust God for the outcomes.

I dislike cryptic posts and emails, so I hope this has not frustrated my readers. But I just want to give God glory for showing me a few rainbows lately in the middle of my storms.


Tara G. said...

Hugs to you, friend! And praising God for those tangible "hugs" He is so faithful about giving when life just seems "tighter." Praying for you!

Jody said...

I don't know you personally, and don't even remember how I stumbled on your blog but I have been reading regularly for about a year now. Your life as a missionary in another country is very intriguing, but I don't read your blog for all the details of your daily life. I read your blog because you exude such a sweet, sweet spirit and your faithfulness to the Lord just flows from your words. Praying He fill you with His peace and comfort during 'bumpy'times.

Jill said...

I always enjoy your posts, and this one especially touched me. God is good!

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