

Friday, May 31, 2013

This Is The Life!

My little girl is having her first ever, non-family, friend sleepover. It's with a little Ecuadorian Embassy friend...who has 2 live-in maids. My daughter brought home this information yesterday..."We just get to choose whatever we want for breakfast." She's also concerned that she won't be able to speak Spanish to the maids. I said, "Whatever they offer you, just say the one word you know...Si!" 

Enjoy it while you can, little Sweet Cheeks, breakfast isn't so much made-to-order at our house!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the gal who spreads out on the floor in her ball gown at these embassy functions? :) Am I remembering that right? She is so like my Karoline. They don't know how to be anything but themselves, and Karoline is great with languages! I just cannot see E having a problem, either.

You'll have to be sure and tell how that goes.


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