

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Big Surprise

This coming January my mom turns 70. I never, ever get to be home for anyone's birthday. So, a few month's ago, I cooked up a plan to have a surprise birthday party for my mom during the summer on her 1/2 birthday. It involved a lot of lying, secrets, and mystery. I think I told my dad about 8 times that his ONLY job was to keep the secret and get mom to the party. I wrote emails and facebook notes to as many people as I could find in her 70 years. I asked them to write her a short note. I was blessed beyond measure to get those notes sent to me. I laughed so hard at several of them. Sometimes I teared up. I think what struck me the most was that there were many, many things I knew nothing about. Times when she would house someone's kids because a grandparent was dying. Times she was a 'mother' to someone who was in need. Times she told a little girl she was beautiful in braces, and the girl grew up and never forgot it. Times she turned a kid's life around by realizing he had a learning disability and having the courage to tell his parents. I just realized anew how much of a heritage I have in my own family and in my husband's family. So, I compiled those notes and planned the party with my sister-in-law (who can do anything, she really should be a stand-in for Superman). The day arrived. I had the EXACT same feeling as my wedding day...terribly excited, no doubts, but just ready to GET THIS OVER WITH! I was supposed to get on down to the party house and help with food prep and decorations in the afternoon. My mom decided she watned to go shopping at Kohl's that day!!! What's a girl to do? I couldn't say no, mom and I shop together at Kohl's every summer. She'd wonder what was up. I simply had to go. I was thinking the whole way home, DRIVE FASTER!!! As soon as we got home, I ran up, spruced up, headed down to the party. My sweet sis-in-law had made all the food, and her house looked amazing. Sorry, SIL, that I had to shop all day. It was my sacrifice.

So, here are my cute parents. Here is my mom, thinking we are all crazy for singing happy birthday to her in the middle of July. The grandkids are giggling. She is clueless. Then we remind her she is turning 70, and this is her half birthday. She laughs. We laugh.

 Then we go get some more guests, my twin cousins who my mom thinks are perfect and adorable.She was thrilled to see them there.
After she got over that shock, we sent for her sister and brother-in-law from Memphis. She screamed and was shocked again. She loves her older sis.
Then we sent for more guests...her brother and sister in law (Dad's brother) who drove down from Maryland. I have not seen them in 8 years. This is the uncle who bought CC and me our first-ever laptop when we were planning to move overseas. He told us we might want to email. We thought it all sounded a little weird, but decided to take him up on it.
It was absolutely everything I had hoped it would be. And I could have not pulled it off without my brother and sister-in-law. That cake is so big, it's sagging.
 And I think what I loved most about this party is that for many, many years, my mom has been the back-stage servant. You can never go into her house without being served a meal. She taught in Christian schools all her life to make it possible for my brother and me to attend there. She's loved on thousands of kids over her years of teaching, and every time I turn around someone is telling me she was the best teacher they ever had. She's never been one to seek glory for herself, she just does for others. So, on this one day, we all got to tell her how special she is. And my dad never even spilled the beans.
It was a perfect day, I'd say in the Top Ten of my life. Thanks to everyone who made it so great. Anyone want to tell me one of your Top Ten Days? I'd love to hear.


Jody said...

I love reading your blog. Your post today reminded me of a surprise birthday visit from my daughter. She lives about a 5-hour drive from us. One Saturday morning I was vacuuming and heard the front door open. Thinking it was my husband (who had been in and out all morning)I kept on with my chore. I looked up to see my daughter, who had made the long trip home to spend the weekend with us for my birthday. Such a happy, blessed memory!

Tara G. said...

I just love it, Sara!!! I love the notes for her- we did something similar for my parents' anniversary some years ago and it was fantastic to read through them all.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think I will just keep quiet in honor of your mom and all mothers like her who serve others so unselfishly. I know my life would be very different if I had not had such a mother and grandmother. May God help those of us following their footsteps to be half the mother they are.

God bless you Mrs. Fish!

Melanie Keffer

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