

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cousin Craft #2: Tie Dyed Shirts

Aunt K got some dyes and let the kids each get a basic white t-shirt. Each chose which way they'd like to try to tie-dye. Some went for the crinkle affect, others wanted to swirl, one even wanted to try an ombre affect.

Sweet Cheeks is working on her tie-dye...pulling little bumps from the shirt and tying them off with rubber bands.

The kids did participate, but at one point I noticed all of them in the pool and the three adults tie-dying! (Keeping it real on this blog.)

This was a camo shirt.

My niece C made a beautiful shirt, sort of like a bullseye with bright colors.

Twinkle Toes sectioned hers into 6 segments, which created the swirl.

I regret not getting a final picture, but here is the ombre that Miss Middler made. She squirted dye in rows, then painted it up with a paint brush, blending new colors in.
Fun summer days!


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things to do! :)

Last time the kids and I did them, we strung them up and used spray bottles . . . That was fun and neat looking.

The next best thing to grandparents is a wonderful sweet aunt! (Ask my kids.)

Sounds like you all are having a ball.....and how many kids can resist the swimming pool? I trust somebody is supplying a sufficient amount of Popsicles! :)

I remember my mother's homemade Popsicles . . . Ah.....Not sure if it is more fun being the kid or the adult who supplies the fun . . .


Rachel said...

I loved tie dying. There's a new fad going around using colored sharpies and rubbing alcohol to tie dye. The kids did it at VBS. They turned out really cool.

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