

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I Am Thankful For...


 My girl, who used to be this little.
 My little boy.
 My oldest daughter.
 My family and husband.
These girls.
I am thankful for these and more. And most of all, I am thankful for God, who gave it all to me. What are you thankful for today?


Tara G. said...

Thought of you today as I wrestled my turkey and thought of holidays past on that side of the world. You know, Sara, we're so blessed and to count off the ways is overwhelming to the point of tears. Today, though, I'm thankful for a relatively quiet day at home with the kids and for the new friends we'll have over for dinner tonight.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for what came from the very hard times we had this year . . . the rich love of my family and friends that are so dear to my heart.

I remembered this week when I was first married, and then when each baby came along. With each event, I could not imagine how life could get any better. God had zeroed in on my heart and made me the happiest person in the world. I have felt that way again recently as I watch my family move through their day.

I am thankful for the privilege and extreme pleasure it is to cook good food for them. I am thankful that in these tough economic times, our table is full and David has a good job.

I am thankful for JC, whose birth made this time of year such a wonder.

My cup is flowing over this year.

Much love to all of you Sara!


P. S. Tell Ross I am making your Holiday Moments cookies this year at Christmas. You said they were his favorites and I know you will be making them - so will I. I am going to share with my neighbors. They are delicious!

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