

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day for Campbells 2010

Oh my goodness, it's that time of year. Why is it that the older I get, the sooner these photos sessions seem to creep up on me?
Miss Middler starts third grade. Wasn't I just a single third grade teacher dating CC? How can we have a third grader?
Twinkle Toes is heading into fourth grade. She's growing up. CC, wasn't it just yesterday she was a three year old, hiding in the laundry hamper at bedtime?
And this just about makes my heart stop. My Firstborn is heading into sixth grade. The oldest of the elementary. Bangs. Braces. Earrings. Pure Middle School cuteness.
This little baby is heading into K5. I asked her, "Why would you want to go into Kindergarten? Don't you just want to be that little baby sitting at the front desk eating olives and cheese and greeting students as they walk in?" She's decided now that she is 5, she doesn't need any help making her bed. Alas, it's happening. Life moves on.
Here's to a great year, girls! I'm proud of the Campbell girls!
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Rachel said...

I love the beginning of a school year. All the possibilities! :) Good luck girls.

Tara G. said...


Anonymous said...

Another favorite post. I love these pictures . . . The girls look beautiful!!


GraceYuMommy said...

don't know why. Sara, this brings tears to my eyes. I love them : Esther, Annika, Mary Erin and Eva.

Mandy said...

OH my goodness. What pretty girls. I know I am going to be in your shoes sending James off to kindergarten before I know it!

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