

Monday, May 11, 2009

Roller Coasters

One year when I was a kid, my family went to Florida. I think my dad was interviewing for a job. Thankfully, he took a job in Memphis so I could eventually marry a Memphis boy. But while in Florida, we took one day and went to Disneyworld. My brother and I convinced my mom to ride Space Mountain. I'll never forget her description. She felt she had left some vital organs at the start of the ride. I also remember her earnest prayer during the entire ride. "Lord, if you get me off this thing, I'll never get on another." He delivered her, she kept her promise.

This park we went to on Saturday had a roller coaster. Mom, I think you could have done it. Slowly you creep to the top, then off you go down the rolling, curvy track. But on this ride, if you start to feel you are going too fast, you just pull the break. Want to go faster? Push the bar forward. The only danger, of course, is slamming into the back of a man and his small child who chose the slow speed.

Mom, thanks for being one of those moms who actually did stuff. Playing in softball games instead of just watching. Letting us skip a day of yearbook camp and driving us to New Orleans instead. Getting in the trunk of the car to fake me out that my brother was driving alone. I think of a million reasons I love you, but this one came to mind when I rode that roller coaster.

1 comment:

Melanie Keffer said...

All weekend my penniless family tried to think of things to do for their mother. I had two radio dedications, two serenades, was waited on hand and foot, etc., but my proudest moment was at the end of Mother's Day at Karoline's recital. Her voice teacher's husband had a heart attack Friday but she was still perserving with the recital. To make this short, I saw all four of my kids wait on her, carry for her, wash her dishes after the recital, clean the tables and on and on --- without being told.

Need I say more? Tears came to my eyes. Not only am I thankful for the wonderful mother I have, I am thankful for the privilege of being a mother of four children. What an honor it is! They have been the joy of mine and David's lives.

. . . And I am sure you are right there with me relating to every word!

Love you,

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