

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 18

Sunday was my little Singapore surprise's birthday! Esther turned 7, and my mom, a year older. It seems like yesterday that I went in to see Dr. Tan, one day past my due date. He saw a few concerns and said he'd feel better if he induced me. I agreed to be induced and walked over to the hospital. The nurse brought me a gown and then it hit me...this baby will be born on my mom's birthday! I started to cry and the nurse said, "Oooohhh, mummy don't cry. It will be alright, you'll see..." I said, "I am not crying because I am scared. This baby will have his or her grandma's birthday!" 3 hours later I had a beautiful little girl in my arms with the prettiest lips I'd ever seen!

Friday afternoon we loaded up the girls and 6 of Esther's first grade friends in the van for a night of bowling, pizza, and cake. We had a great time, and I learned the following things:
1. Mary Erin, my almost 10 year old, seemed EXTREMELY mature in contrast to the 1st graders. Almost adult like.
2. I quickly lapse into teacher mode when riding an escalator with seven-year-olds.
3. I love underdogs who win. One friend was a Dutch girl who is new to our school and just learning English. She had never bowled, but won the game.
4. Ross is good at driving a van full of kids who are laughing, eating candy found on the floor, adjusting window curtains constantly, and tickling each other all at the same time.

Happy Birthday, Mom and Esther!

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